2009年8月7日 星期五

Debian Testing 升級到grub2

今早upgrade的時候,發現debian已建議轉換成 grub2,既然都這樣建議了,當然是把它換掉。

一開始安裝 grub2-pc後,會先相容舊的grub,開機的時候會出現:

When you have verified GRUB 2 works, you can use this command to
complete the upgrade: upgrade-from-grub-legacy

選擇linux-kernel的選項後,再執行 upgrade-from-grub-legacy,就能轉換成功。

設定檔由原本的 menu.lst 變成 /etc/grub.d/ 和 /etc/default/grub,設定完這兩個檔案內容後,執行 /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig 就能產生 /boot/grub/grub.cfg,也就是開機時的選單了。


GRUB 2 has the following tasks:

* Create a compact core image. This will make Stage 1.5 unnecessary.
* Add support for dynamic loading to the core image, so that it can extend itself at the run time rather than at the build time.
* Add real memory management, to make GNU GRUB more extensible.
* Add a more object-oriented framework for file systems, files, devices, drives, terminals, commands, and OS loaders.
* Add support for internationalization. This includes support for non-ASCII character code, message catalogs like gettext, fonts, graphics console, and so on.
* Add an actual localization, based on the above internationalization support. We will target on Japanese as the first step.
* Segregate code specific to i386-pc from generic code, to make GNU GRUB portable.
* Add support for cross-platform installation.
* Develop additional software packages which will help our project and hopefully other projects.
